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"TeamLinkt Registration: Step-by-Step Instructions for Registering Your Team"

To register your team on TeamLinkt, please follow these instructions:

1. Create an Account
-Use this link to create your account.

2.Register for "MYSELF"
-Select “Registering for MYSELF.”

3.Add a New Family Member
-In the “Who do you want to register?” section, choose “Add a new Family Member.”
-This will take you to a page where you can add your team information.
-Role: Parent
-Name: First “MHA Association”
-Name: Last “Tier__”
-Please also add an email and phone number where we can contact you.

4.Complete the Registration Form
-Fill out the registration form with the necessary details.
-Upload your team roster by choosing your file to upload.

If you need any assistance, please contact